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Grotesques(Gargoyles for the Modern Nights)

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Through rituals, Dominate, and old-fashioned psychological conditioning, loyalty has been branded into the Remade. Even those who have rebelled against and slain their tyrannical masters often find themselves seeking some greater allegiance. Sometimes, this takes the form of a mortal Touchstone, whom they will do anything to protect, sometimes a vampiric leader, whom they admire to a sometimes fanatical degree. Sometimes, it is just an idea or grand vision, to which they zealously devote themselves. Rare is the Gargoyle who does not have some such attachment. '''Nostalgia'''
Though the memories of Grotesques are usually piecemeal, and sometimes completely void, almost all yearn for the lives they lost to their Remaking. They cling to what tatters of recollection they can find all the more for their scarcity, drawn to, or comforted by, old routines and former friends. Many have Convictions such as “Remember who you were” attached to Touchstones from their former world; whatever relationship they once had, it is only marked by the Gargoyle as a pang of reminiscence and a sense of deja vu.
Level 3
Level 3
Terrible Wings
Amalgam:''' Potence 1
'''System:'''The Remade spends a turn forcing the ligaments, bone and skin of their back to twist into one or more pairs of massive wings, and rolling Protean+Stamina (Difficulty 3, which may be increased by tight quarters or physical restraints). They may immediately take flight on their next turn, and can travel at up to 50 kilometers an hour in the air. Carrying other people, or heavy objects, requires the vampire to roll Strength+Athletics+their initial successes on the Terrible Wings roll at Difficulty 4 (or more at the Storyteller’s discretion). If the Grotesque or the person they are carrying is using Weight of a Feather, they may carry them without rolling. A critical win allows the vampire to take flight immediately. A total failure either causes the wings to malform horribly, causing the vampire 3 points of unhalved superficial, or initially causes no issue, only for the wings to give out unexpectedly midflight.
'''Loresheet''':[[Ritual of St. Romanus]]