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3,964 bytes added, 20:10, 4 October 2020
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|clanlogo=The filename, including extension, of what you've uploaded for the clan/bloodline. ClanLogo#.jpg is a good oneSalubriLogo.png|clanheader=The filename, including extension, of what you've uploaded for the clan/bloodline. ClanHeader#SalubriHeader.jpg is a good onepng.png
|image=The filename, including extension, of what you've uploaded for the clan/bloodline. ClanV5#.jpg is a good one.
|nicknames=Nicknames. Cyclops Shepherds Furies
HealersWatchers Soulsuckers|description=The Salubri were once numbered among the High Clans, frequently serving as important advisors to Princes across Europe and the Middle East. But, then came the diablerie of Saulot by the upstart Tremere bloodline. Without their antediluvian to guide them - and with the Tremere waging both a propaganda and literal war against them - the Salubri fell into a steep decline from which they've never recovered.
WarriorsNow, most Kindred associate the Salubri with diablerie and worse. According to Tremere lies(?), the Salubri are infernalists, able to remove and devour the souls of other Kindred. Until recently, the few Salubri known to the Camarilla seemed to corroborate the Tremere stories: a group of Seven, each of whom embraced a single Childe who she would set on the path of Golconda, before instructing instructing the Childe to diablerize them.
WatchersIn recent years, however, other, more violent, Salubri have appeared. While aligned for several years with the Sabbat, the so-called Warriors abandoned the sect when it became obsessed with fighting the Gehenna War. Unwilling to join the Camarilla that betrayed them so many centuries ago, many of these Warriors have instead found themselves among the Anarchs. |who=The Salubri are healers and warriors, watchers and mystics. They are compelled to improve the world around them, whether that means healing wounds, toppling dictators, or seeking personal enlightenment. (Or, in many cases, all three.) While the clan has grown in recent years, it is still incredibly small and its members hold few, if any, domains. Healers rarely seek titles, while the formerly Sabbat-aligned Warriors are distrusted by both Camarilla and Anarchs, even if the latter are more than happy to have their swords on their side.  Salubri often embrace those who were healers, teachers, or philosophers in life, though they interpret all three of these terms quite broadly. Warriors, on the other hand, tend to embrace those who fight on behalf of others, with more than a few protestors embraced in recent years. On rare occasions, the Salubri may also embrace sinners seeking redemption, or even the rare monster they hope will be made better by the compulsion to sacrifice themself for others. It doesn't always work out well.|archetype1name=Folk Healer|archetype1text=In life, this Salubri was a healer of some sort - a doctor, nurse, EMT, psychologist, or spiritual advisor - and they've continued their work after the Embrace. One way or another, the injured know to come to this Salubri, and they just don't know how to say no. They might run an underground clinic or even work the night shift at their old job. And if they take a little blood now and then in payment, who could blame them? |archetype2name=Combat Medic|archetype2text=Like many of their clan, this Salubri has medical and first aid experience, but they gained it on the front lines, not in a hospital ward. Whether they cut their chops in the military or bandaging up protesters after a fight with the cops, they now use their skills to support Kindred and their allies who've been injured in combat. |archetype3name=Enlightenment Seeker|archetype3text=While many Salubri focus on healing those around them, the Enlightenment Seeker is more concerned with healing their own soul - and learning to overcome the Beast within. They spend their nights digging up mortal and arcane texts on enlightenment and Noddism, and may even be a Golconda seeker. While other Salubri support their research, digging too deep has resulted in more than one Salubri exposing themselves to their enemies among both Kindred and Kine.|archetype4name= Angel of Vengeance|archetype4text= Not all Salubri are healers. The Angel of Vengeance instead strike down those who are beyond redemption (at least in their eyes). Their favored targets might be the Tremere who diablerized Saulot, infernalists like the Baali, the corrupt Ivory Tower, or simply a local gang they've taken a disliking to. While they might fight according to a personal code, they may also resort to any means necessary to see their enemies turned to ash.|archetype5name=The Sinner|archetype5text=This Salubri is one of the rare few embraced into the clan either as punishment or in hopes that they will find some sort of redemption. In life, they may not have been outright evil, but they were certainly wicked in some way. They might have been cruel to those who loved them, embezzled from work or their clients, or committed any of a hundred petty sins. Regardless of what they did, they drew the attention of the Salubri. They were likely embraced after their life came crashing down. Now, they'll spend an eternity seeking redemption.|disciplines=[[Auspex]], [[Fortitude]], and [[Presence]]
Common amalgam powers: [[Sense Vitality]], [[Corpore Sano]] (Healers), [[Unburdening the Bestial Soul Theives]] (Healers), [[Vengeance of Samiel]] (Warriors)|bane=Salubri have difficulty feeding on the innocent, unless the blood is willingly given. If a Cyclops attempts it, she takes a point of Willpower damage. As a result, Healer Salubri lean towards Consensualist or Osiris predator types. Conversely, Warriors might feed from the not-so-innocent, adopting the Alleycat, Extortionist, or even Blood Leech predator types. Salubri are generally unable to feed from bagged blood or from animals, as they do not know the origin of the former and concepts of innocence and willingness do not apply to most animals in the same way as to humans.
Cannibals|description=In the 12th century addition, all Salubri develop a cadre of Mages lead by Tremere realized tell-tale third eye on their magick had begun to fail them. They had used their power to prolong their lives for untold years with diminishing returns. One of the circle, a Mage named Goratrix discovered a solution in the form of a potion concocted from the vitae from captured Tzimisce and Gangrelforehead. The potion killed eye may be hidden under hood or the circle, and they rose again as a new breed brim of Cainite. Tremere sought to find a way to maintain his newfound immortality by legitimizing himself among his fellow Cainites. In order to do thishat, he would need but covering the power of something much greater than himself. In doing so, he discovered the ancient resting place of the Antideluvian, Salout, and diablerized him. Tremere had established his brood as eye entirely results in a true High Clan by usurping the power of Salout for himselfone die penalty on all rolls. In order to keep this powerThe eye may, Tremere would need to deal|parent=Optionalhowever, only be temporarily hidden from view through use if a Bloodline. A suspected or confirmed 'parent' clan of the bloodline (such as Tremere for Gargoyles)Blush of Life. |whocompname=The primary fluff for the clan.Sacrifice|archetype1namecompulsion=An example archetype.|archetype1text=An example archetype's description.|archetype2name=An example archetype.|archetype2text=An example archetype's description.|archetype3name=An example archetype.|archetype3text=An example archetype's description.|archetype4name=An example archetype.|archetype4text=An example archetype's description.|archetype5name=An example archetype.|archetype5text=An example archetype's description.|disciplines=Description and application The vampire is overwhelmed with a need to sacrifice on behalf of the clan's Disciplines here. You can also use wiki markup to link to any Disciplines others or Discipline Powers that are appropriate of some greater good, often at great risk to the Clanthemselves.|bane=Bane description and mechanical effect.|compname=Name of While the Clan Compulsion|compulsion=Clan Compulsion description and mechanical effect.|author=The author (you). Use won't drive the vampire towards suicidal actions, until they receive a username, link two-dice penalty to your user page, put an email. Will take various wiki link formattingall rolls until they have sacrificed on behalf of someone or something else.|othercredauthor=Other credits (contributors, etc.)[[Charlottepersephone]]