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794 bytes added, 14:02, 9 October 2021
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'''Extra Disciplines'''
''Vicissitude:'' The signature ability of the Tzimisce, Vicissitude allows the user to literally craft flesh like clay - both theirs and others. While some can use this ability to create living artworks of themself and others, many within the clan use it to monstrous effect. Vicissitude can be used to change the user or subject's appearance (ranging from the superficial to the extreme), add organic armour or weapons out of densely woven tissues, cartilage, or bone, or redistribute physical statistics, such as shifting the position of muscles to add strength or dexterity. Fiends uncaring of the Masquerade can shape themselves or others to dramatic effect. While Vicissitude is largely unused by other clans, a bloodline of Toreador antitribu known as the ''Volgirre'' also have access to it, replacing their usual Presence with Protean. This bloodline has now largely defected from the Sabbat and reintegrated with the larger clan in the Camarilla, receiving false identities in exchange for sharing centuries of beautiful, twisted art with the jaded main clan.
''Old Clan: Dominate:'' Known as the Old Clan to younger Tzimisce, this cohort of Tzimisce are generally old, predating the modern sects, still hold domain throughout Eastern Europe, and, most notably, eschew the use of Vicissitude. Calling themselves the Dracul, the Old Clan remember the nights when they ruled the Carpathians and its surrounding regions, using blood bonds to maintain order amongst their childer, largely isolating themselves but remaining connected through the Oradea League. The Old Clan, befitting their rejection of Vicissitude, replace Protean with Dominate, using it and the blood bond to maintain perfect control.