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1,100 bytes added, 23:22, 17 October 2019
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|nicknames=Genius Loci, Koldunism, Kraina, Ogham, Spiritus, Green Path, Path Of Neptune's Might, Elemental Mastery.
|description=What Animism is similar to Blood Sorcery in idea but very different in practice. Major differences include Animism requiring the Discipline service of the spirits of nature rather than memorized rites and rituals and requiring not so much an extension of will as being a master of the very material a Fiend wishes to manipulate.Despite being considered a form of Blood Magic it generally does/descriptive about no requires a careful manipulation of blood by the caster. The blood is offered as a payment to the elemental spirits. The ancient Tzimisce who cultivated this power knew the difficulties of hunting in their territories and thus instead invoke their powers through enslaving the spirits of the land. Practitioners of Animism are usually known as koldun and are almost exclusively Old Clan Tzimisce, although there are Tremere that have reached an understanding of the spirits. Many "regular" Tzimisce are unable to practice Koldunism, having turned away from the spirituality and perfection this form of sorcery requires to master. However, Koldunic Sorcery is by no means "good"; constant use will cause the very land and earth to eventually warp around the mechanical effectsuser.
|system4-3=The user makes a Rouse Check and spends a turn concentrating, calling the winds in the desire area. The effect covers a circular area with a radius equal to twice the user’s Animism dots in yards/meters. The area is centered on the sorcerer or a spot in their line of sight.
Anyone caught in the Biting Gale including the caster, receives a two-dice penalty to all rolls and move with difficulty. Anyone inside Biting Gale receives two levels of Superficial damage for every turn they remain within it due to the strong winds.
|duration4-3=One Scene