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Character Sheet

Standard Dice Pools
Physical Template:The physical pool; must be a numberDot Social Template:The social pool; must be a numberDot Mental Template:The mental pool; must be a numberDot
Exceptional Dice Pools
Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot
Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot
Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot Exceptional pool; must be a number Template:Exceptional pool; must be a numberDot
Explanations of any special stuff; powers and Disciplines and equipment go here.
Secondary Attributes
Health Template:Their health tracker; must be a numberDot Willpower Template:The willpower tracker; must be a numberDot


Author: {{{author}}}

Other Credits: {{{othercred}}}


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