Usurp the Bond

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Dominate ••••

Developed by the Tremere in another attempt to overcome their Bane, this power allows the user to gain control of another's Blood Bond, allowing them to steal a thrall from another. The thrall almost instantly feels the pull towards their new domitor. However, the Tremere tend to see this power as a failure, as it's done nothing to alleviate their Bane as the Blood Bond still works as it normally would and has only further cemented their reputation as Usurpers.

  • Cost: 2 Rouse Checks
  • Dice Pool: Manipulation + Dominate
  • System: This power can only be used on someone under a Blood Bond and Tremere under their main Bane cannot use this power on vampires. The user must physically touch the thrall and make a Manipulation + Dominate roll against a Difficulty equal to the Bond Strength. The user must be able to concentrate fully for a whole Scene for this power to work. If the thrall is under the effects of Domitor's Favour, the Difficulty is increased by 3. On a win, the user becomes the new domitor with the new bond starting at a Bond Strength equal to half of the original bond, rounded up.
  • Duration: Permanent

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Author: Thanatos

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