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The Wolfman

1,175 bytes added, 04:54, 12 June 2021
Created page with "{{DisciplineLevel |discipline=Protean |level=4 |name=The Wolfman |amalgam= Protean 4, Animalism 1 |prereq=Animalism 1 |description=This power allows one to assume a wolfman fo..."
|name=The Wolfman
|amalgam= Protean 4, Animalism 1
|prereq=Animalism 1
|description=This power allows one to assume a wolfman form comparable to the 1941 and 2010 movies of the same name.
|cost=1 Rouse Check
|system= The vampire makes a rouse check, and painfully assumes the form of the wolfman over the course of three turns. The vampire grows hair over its entire body. It gains roughly thirty pounds of muscle increasing its strength by 2. It gains elongated ears that reduce most hearing roll difficulties by one, its legs become wolflike, enabling it to move as easily quadripedally as bipedally, and doubling its running speed when running on all fours. Its teeth elongate into fangs, allowing it to make called shots with its teeth without a penalty. It gains claws that add +1 nonhalfed superficial damage to its brawl attacks. If Feral Weapons is used on top of this power, the claws do +3 nonhalfed superficial damage. The beast is close when using this power, increasing the difficulty of frenzy rolls by 3, and making all Criticals into Messy Criticals.
|duration=Until the vampire falls asleep.


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