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Ravnos (ElmerG)

9,335 bytes removed, 03:09, 1 February 2022
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|nicknames=The Reborn Clan
Demon Hunters
The Shattered (derogatory)
Shilmulo (derogatory, rare)
|description=Misunderstood as tricksters and charlatans by other Cainites, the history and background of the Ravnos is something mcuh different. Once divided into western and eastern Ravnos, an event called the 'Week of Nightmares' led to the destruction of many western Ravnos, leaving few of the heavily caste-based eastern Ravnos. In this, though, the Ravnos have found organization and unity not seen in millennia; and in Modern Nights, the Ravnos prepare for the coming of the ''asuratziyya'' and the grand 'war' against one of their wayward ancients. Though small, the Ravnos have once again begun speading in the world, observing the new Cainite socities of the world for their own ends.
|who=Prior to the Week of Nightmares, Clan Ravnos were a much-derided and much-maligned clan due to the perception of their most visible members. Known for being wandering vagabonds and hucksters, the most prolific and public Ravnos were charlatans who pervaded deception and theft. Misunderstood as the clan of gypsies and tricksters by Cainite society as a whole, the truth of the Ravnos has come to light after the disaster of the Week of Nightmares befell them.
In 1999, as the Red Star appeared large in the sky, an ancient awoke, and the Clan went mad worldwide, engaging in acts of diablerie and destruction; Ravnos in domains turned on each other, their illusion powers out of control. Theorized now to be the 'death throes' of a true Ancient (and many believe, an Antediluvian), the Ravnos Clan tore itself apart, and those known to the majority of Cainite society were all but wiped out. But the Western Ravnos were not all of the Ravnos.
In the east, in India and surrounding areas, the Ravnos continued to exist. Believing themselves to be put on the earth and given a ''svadharma'' -- a divine purpose -- as divine avengers, destined to exterminate demons -- the ''asuratziyya''. Divided into a caste (''jati'') system, the Ravnos of India have lived separate existences from the Western Ravnos, living as tempters of the unrighteous and pilgrims seeking their divine purpose against the ''asuratziyya''. The four primary castes of the Ravnos are the ''Brahmin'' (priests who maintain mayaparisatya and advise the other castes), the ''Kshatriya'' (military leaders who run the war effort against the Ravnos' enemies, primarily the ''asuratziyya'', the ''Vaisyas'' (who managed the Masquerade and mortal resources, often functioning as majordomos) and Chandalas (equivalent to Caitiff, with no dicated 'role' in Ravnos society by the svadharma). Ravnos ghouls are called the ''Shudra'' caste, servants to their vampiric masters, and other minor families can be considered 'castes' among the Western Ravnos.
These Ravnos were just as effected by the Week of Nightmares as their cousins, and the destruction wrought within the Western Ravnos also afflicted the Eastern Ravnos. Unlike their Western cousins, however, the ''jati'' had support systems in place, as the Kindred rulers of the region. And while many died, many more were subdued and kept in torpor until the madness had passed. Afterwards, some were dispatched into the World, beginning to reintegrate slowly into Cainite society, learning of what had happened and all the changes that came after. And events have brought two of their eldest together, in search of a third, their sister, in order to combat the coming ''asuratziyya'' and the fallen ancient, Ravanna. At the order of these ancients, the clan began to increase their numbers, even as some of their elders began to succumb to a 'call' and disappear into the night. In the past decade, the Eastern Ravnos have begun to organize in a manner unprecedented because of this, and are slowly becoming a more common sight in Cainite society as their neonates and ancillae wander into the world, their pilgrims and warriors venturing out into the world looking for the Lost Sister.
|archetype1name=Wandering Priest
|archetype1text=This Ravnos, a member of the ''Brahmin jati,'' is one of the first out into the world after the Eastern Ravnos began their recovery. A wanderer who is often a new arrival in a given Domain, this Ravnos is relearning Cainite society under the new nights. The Beckoning, the Second Inquisition, the Fall of the Sabbat...the extent of much of this is unknown to her, and she is taking it in stride. In addition to learning, she is slowly attempting to 'advise' other Kindred of the Eastern Ravnos in order to make her brethren's transition into Cainite society much smoother. And though she doesn't talk about it to many, if any, she is searching for information on their wayward ancient, the 'sister' of Hazimel and Chandraputa, Marizhavashti.
|archetype2name=Advance Soldier
|archetype2text=A member of the ''Kshatriya jati'' who was sent out into the world to see how the ''asuratziyya'' have been on the move, the Advance Soldier comes from modern military stock. Trained in both human military tactics and in tactics to deal with Cainites, the Advance Soldier seeks a domain where the influence of the ''asuratziyya'' is undeniable, and in that domain, the Ravnos plans to bring information back to the Clan as a whole. Subtle and soft-spoken, the Advance Soldier simply calls themselves a traveling Ravnos, in order to throw off suspicions and keep the truth of the rising numbers of the Clan from the general Cainite populace.
|archetype3name=Aspiring Majordomo
|archetype3text=Insinuating themselves into a Domain, this well-read and well-educated Ravnos of the ''Vaisya jati'' has been seeking a domain to ingratiate themselves into. Taken from mortal political stock, the Embrace and being drawn into Cainite politics (both inside the Ravnos clan and outside) has made this Ravnos an eloquent speaker, with a keen and discerning mind for political minutiae. This Ravnos seeks to find out the new state of affairs in Cainite society, while using their political acumen to perhaps set themselves, and their Eastern brethren, in a future position of usefulness or power.
|archetype4name=Clean Up Crew
|archetype4text=An example archetype's description.
|archetype5name=Vagabond Trickster
|archetype5text=One of the vanishingly-rare Western Ravnos, this individual is a fan of the finer things in life: money, creature comforts, and most importantly Blood. Well-dressed in the most designer of fashion, the Vagabond Trickster comes to a domain to indulge their vice and desires -- and in most cases, summarily driven from the domain due to schemes, broken hearts, and various and sundry other criminal activity. Boisterous and jocular, this Ravnos has seen it all and done it all -- and survived the destruction that his fellows wrought upon themselves. Unlike their Eastern cousins coming out of the woodwork now, the Trickster simply wishes to live on their own terms, making money and blood as they travel. Whether the domains they arrive in appreciate their unique brand of humor and candor, well, that always remains to be seen.
|disciplines='''Animalism:''' As wanderers, the Ravnos are no stranger to wild lands. Through the use of this Discipline, the Ravnos has a two-fold capability; those young enough to take sustenance from animals have an easily-accessible emergency source of blood, and an easy method of information gathering (and defense, in a pinch).
'''Fortitude:''' Many Ravnos claim that their mastery of Fortitude is a gift from their progenitor, the strength of their bodies supporting them in their battles against the ''asuratziyya''. And while this may be true, Fortitude has borne up many Ravnos being driven out of domains, weathering both the physical and mental assaults against their persons.
'''Obfuscate:''' Careful application of Obfuscate has given the Ravnos their signature capability: the ability to cloud the minds of others and make them see what they want, to the point of those 'illusions' being given a 'physical' substance of a sort. Mastery of Obfuscate not only allows the Ravnos to travel undetected, but to put these mental tricks to work in their 'duty' as tempters, and in defense of themselves and their allies.
Ravnos often utilize the Amalgams [[Mithya]], which allows them to project their Obfuscate as independent illusions that effect all five senses, and [[Maya]], which takes the projected illusion and grants it a form of substance by drawing on their Fortitude.
|bane=The Ravnos believe that their Bane is not a punishment so much as a trial. In their role as tempters, they too are tempted; each Ravnos, upon Embrace, becomes afflicted with a vice. This vice should be discussed with the Storyteller; often, something that would cause a character to move towards violation of a Chronicle Tenet or Conviction is most appropriate. Most Ravnos believe by overcoming this temptation of their blood, they will come closer to their mythic origin, bettering themselves and moving beyond their own limits, essentially 'purifying' themselves and moving further along their ''svadharma'' -- their divine purpose. The Ravnos takes penalties equal to the Bane Severity to any pools involved in avoiding indulging in this vice.
|othercred=This version of the Ravnos is heavily inspired by the presentation of the Ravnos in Beckett's Jyhad Diary, eschewing the Roma aspects of it in large parts in order to focus on the caste-based Eastern Ravnos and the political game potential therein.