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38 bytes added, 14:48, 9 October 2021
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|description=''"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."''
A curious and often contradictory clan, the Tzimisce have a fearsome reputation as inhuman shapeshifters and fleshcrafters. At the same time, these fluid beings are deeply rooted to their land and domain - for time immemorial, the Tzimisce have been lords of lands, regions, and people, their roots growing deep even as their appearances shift and change.
|bane=''Grounded:'' The contradictory nature of the Tzimisce becomes apparent with their bane. The fluid, shifting Shapers are inextricably connected to their land, historically meaning their literal grave soil but also able to be interpreted as an innate connection to something that represents Home or Domain to them. This can be a physical location (often a place of great significance in their breathing years), an individual or group of people, an organisation, a deeply significant collection, anything the Tzimisce sees as representing Home. For every day the Tzimisce does not sleep within the vicinity of their Home, they sustain aggravated Willpower damage equal to their Bane Severity upon waking the following night.
|compulsion=A Tzimisce suffering from a Compulsion becomes fixated on changing or shifting in some manner, whether this be physically changing their appearance, changing their viewpoint on something they previously believed or expressed, or enacting some other radical change of circumstance. Any action not taken towards this purpose incurs a two-dice penalty, and *''actively* '' attempting to remain the same causes Willpower damage. The Compulsion persists until some significant change is made (the Storyteller decides what constitutes as 'significant').|related=For recommended mechanics and uses for Vicissitude, please see [[Malleable Visage]], [[Pound of Flesh]], [[Transmogrification]], and [[TransmogrificationBloodform]].|author=[[User:Ryttu3k|ryttu3k]]
|othercred=[[User:ElmerG|ElmerG]] for Vicissitude discipline details.