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Alternate Sphere Magic

9 bytes added, 04:11, 9 November 2023
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* '''Difficulty'''<br><br>The difficulty of a spell is the level of the Sphere you are using. You then add +3 for coincidental magic, and +4 for Vulgar magic if there are no witnesses. Add +5 for Vulgar magic witnessed by Sleepers.<br><br>
* '''Successes'''<br><br>Simple magic requires only one success, two successes are required for more powerful magic, and larger effects can take even more. If your level of Arete is at least one point higher than the Sphere you are using, you can succeed without a dice roll.<br><br>
* '''Botches'''<br><br>If a Mage rolls a failure when casting a spell & they also rolls roll a 1 on any of their dice then they botch. This is a dangerous situation.<br><br>