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Alternate Sphere Magic

1,729 bytes added, 01:26, 3 December 2023
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There are 12 Spheres in this system that are divided into coincidental & vulgar magic. The first three levels of each sphere are limited to coincidental effects, and the highest levels of the sphere are divided into two levels of vulgar magic.<br><Br>
The Twelve Spheres in alphabetical order are:<br><br>
<pre>Control, Destruction, Feeling, Influence, Penetration, Prediction, Production, Revelation, Restoration, Transformation, Travel, Understanding, and Vanishing</pre>
These are the degrees of power for the Spheres:<br><br>
* '''Manipulative'''<br><br>The Mage can manipulate and bend the laws of physics.<br><br>
* '''Miraculous'''<br><br>The Mage can now create impossible miracles.<br>
These rules are just a few notes from the Mage: The Ascension rule book.<br><br>
* '''Arete'''<br><br> Arete is the Mage's level of enlightenment. In game terms it is the number of dice a Mage rolls when casting their spells. No Sphere can be higher than your level of Arete. You can also only spend up to your level of Arete in quintessence on a single spell. A mage can optionally roll less dice than their Arete to avoid a potential botch.<br><br>
* '''Avatar'''<br><br> A Mage's Avatar is the maximum Quintessence they can store.<br><br>
* '''Quintessence'''<br><br>Quintessence is the power source for Magic. Spending Quintessence reduces the difficulty of a spell, up to a modifier of -3. Meditation is required to regain Quintessence for at least an hour at a place of power. Quintessence can also be stored in things that are carried by a Mage.<br><br>
* '''Willpower'''<br><br>By spending a point of willpower Mages gets an automatic success on their spells. Willpower is tough to regenerate and can be useful for more than Magic.<br><br>
* '''Difficulty'''<br><br>The difficulty of a spell is the level of the Sphere you are using. You then add +3 for coincidental magic, and +4 for Vulgar magic if there are no witnesses. Add +5 for Vulgar magic witnessed by Sleepers.<br><br>
* '''Successes'''<br><br>Simple magic requires only one success, two successes are required for more powerful magic, and larger effects can take even more. If your level of Arete is at least one point higher than the Sphere you are using, you can succeed without a dice roll.<br><br>
* '''Botches'''<br><br>If a Mage rolls a failure when casting a spell & they also roll a 1 on any of their dice then they botch. This is a dangerous situation.<br><br>
** '''Power:''' Wisdom / ESP
** '''Knowledge:''' Realization - Unveiling the inner knowledge within.
** '''Description:''' The Power of Prediction Understanding manifests as inspiration and insight, granting effortless access to answers and discoveries beyond conventional understanding. It endows the practitioner with the gift of foreknowledge. The key to unlocking this power lies in the realization that all knowledge already resides within oneself.<br>
• Elevated Mental Functions
•• Increase to Mental Skills••• Influencing SituationsSeeing the Past
•••• Seeing the Future
••••• Slowing Stopping Time
• Reading Mindstates
•• Bonus to Social AbilitiesAttributes
••• Mental Shield
•••• Reading Thoughts
** '''Description:''' The Power of Vanishing encompasses the art of Misdirection. It allows a wizard to control focus and attention, rendering themselves unseen and secrets concealed. Meticulous study and practice grant the ability to achieve complete invisibility as the wizard manipulates perception and directs attention elsewhere.
Safeguard Secrets•• See in The Dark•• Safeguarding Secrets
••• Stealth
•••• Disguise
==Paradox & Quiet==
The official rules say Paradox is generated caused by Vulgar magic. In these alternative rules Paradox happens when Mages fail a Mage fails at casting magic, instead of from Vulgar magic or when Sleepers see ittheir spells.<br><br>
If When a Mage fails a magic roll their they gain a Paradox level goes up by 1point. A critical failure or botch botched roll will then releases that Paradox in the form of a Quiet (Insanity).<br><br> Quiet happens in three ways of Dynamism, Statis, or Entropy.<br><br> If a Mage has a Paradox level of 1-3, the Quiet experience happens in one of three ways:<br><br>
Hallucinations, Fixations, or Attraction to Death<br><br>
If they have a Paradox level of 4-6, the Quiet experience happens in one of three other more ways:<br><br>
Delusions & Mood Swings, Reoccurring Behavior Patterns, or Morbidity<br><br>
If they have a Paradox level of 7-10, the Quiet experience happens in one of three more waysas:<br><br>
Wild Hallucinations, Obsession, and Anti-Social Behavior<br><br>
If they have a Paradox level of 11+, the Quiet experience happens in one of three even more severe ways:<br><br>Complete Madness, A Living a Repetitive Loop, or Becoming a Serial Killer<br><br>Quintessence can be spent to reduce Paradox by one for every point of Quintessence, but it has to be reduced done before the Insanity of Quiet occurs. If Paradox reaches a level greater than 10 it is released automatically.
Wisdom / ESP
(Scorpio / Death) + (Pluto / Judgement)
<br>===Credits=== <br>[[User:Street|Street]]<br><br>