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11 bytes added, 20:45, 18 March 2021
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|system=As with Entrancement, the vampire merely needs to catch their victim's attention and make the roll. If they succeed, their victim acts as though affected by a full blood bond, with bond strength equal to the margin. Most people will attempt to move heaven and earth, betray their closest friends and allies, or put their life on the line to please their beloved; any attempt to do otherwise requires a bond resistance roll (page 234).
When Love Enrapture wears off, the victim will attempt to rationalize their feelings and actions—but if driven to do anything too dangerous or uncharacteristic, they may realize their emotions have been manipulated. Enrapturing the same person a second time is possible, but difficult; the victim adds 2 dice to their resistance pool for each time they've been affected by Love this power within the same story.
|duration=One scene

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