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Homebrew Tips

No change in size, 17:26, 27 December 2023
From ElmerG
* Merits and Flaws that modify XP costs will cause overall imbalances in character builds and should be avoided.
* Merits and Flaws that add or subtract more than 2 situational dice should be avoided.
* meritd Merits and Flaws that modify core systems like Messy Crits or Brutal Results should be avoided as they would modify the math averages and curves.
* Merits and Flaws that are just situational refluff modifiers of existing ones (such as different takes on Looks) are superfluous and unnecessary.
* Merits and Flaws should not modify the core dice functions (such as changing the target number on the dice, or changing symbol results).
* Merits and Flaws should not add extra actions (nothing should, really) or modify the split dice pools for conflict.

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