Folkloric Constraint

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Revision as of 09:59, 13 March 2022 by Alratan (talk | contribs)
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A broader and more flexible version of Folkloric Block, but using the same principles.


Flaw: {)You must behave in a certain way or not take certain acts, or suffer an unavoidable point of Superficial Willpower damage. Each folkloric constraint you take counts as a separate one-point Flaw. Examples of the things you must do include: spending your daysleep in a casket or coffin, pausing to slake Hunger from adults you know to be virgin, taking a trophy from everyone you defeat in combat, stopping to count spilled seeds. Examples of the things you cannot do include: using Blush of Life, slaking more than one Hunger from the same vessel in the same night, refusing to offer hospitality to a guest, entering a home uninvited.


Author: Alratan

Other Credits: Banana from the V5 Discord, who gave me the idea


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