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Combat Primer

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|rules=__TOC__The Combat Primer isn't so much 'new rules' as it is a treatise on applying the conflict rules in the book.
Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition makes a number of significant changes to the combat mechanics and related rules from prior editions. These changes have been made in order to streamline the combat and make it take less time overall. But the examples in the V5 core book are pretty bad. Even per the developers like Karim Muammar, some of the examples in the book were either unfinished or poorly done based on the intent or context of various rules.
===Physical Conflict Dice Pools===
The core book presents a number of potential dice pool options for physial combat, due to the malleability of what can be done during a combat turn in this section. This confuses a lot of people, since legacy editions of Vampire the Masquerade generally had very set dice pools for specific actions. For ease of access, some of the most common pools characters will use (including some pools listed in Advanced Combat, reiterated here for ease) arepresented as follows. Note that this is NOT a comprehensive list, and Attribute + Skill combinations should be determined based on the narrative by the Storyteller:
* Brawl-based Physical Combat: Strength + Brawl (punches, kicks, bodyblows, martial arts maneuvers, claws)
* Light weapon-based Physical Combat: Dexterity + Melee (attacks that don't rely solely on your strength, but on the speed and accuracy of a lighter weapon such as knives, short swords, rapiers, whips, light spears)
** Composure + Firearms (keeping cool in combat; knowing when and where to fire to hit your opposition, not being surprised by the sudden appearance of new combatants). A media example of this would be how the TV show SWAT handles their firearms, or Will Smith's training gun shot in the first Men in Black movie; it's more about keeping calm and knowing when/where to fire than simply the speed to do so.
** Dexterity + Firearms (speed-based gun combat; quick draw 'high noon' showdowns, dealing with an erratically moving target, getting a gun out of hiding and firing it before you get stabbed up close, clearing your gun before the enemy can draw theirs). A media example of this would be any cowboy TV show or movie with two people facing off to see who can fire first, or the movie Collateral as shown [ here].
** Resolve + Firearms (dealing with endurance and how it applies to firearms; a sniper sitting in the brush for a full day waiting on a target or a combatant under some other mental duress such as having been tortured, laying down suppressing fire to ensure that specific targets are suppressed). A media example of this would be the movie Wanted, and the time and preparation/setup for the various distance sniping scenes (not the best example, but it gets the poitn point across).* Defending: Defending can be done in two ways: dodging, or non-lethal defense such as parrying or blocking. This was implied by the V5 core rulebook, and clarified in the ''Hunter: The Reckoning 5th Edition'' core book (H5 pg. 118-119).** Dodging: Dexterity + Athletics (using your speed and athleticism to move and stay fast on your feet to dodge).** Non-lethal defense: A pool using the Brawl or Melee skills (utilizing your brawling talents to block or redirect, or your melee talents to defend with a parry or a bind). Non-lethal defenses normally can't be used in response to Firearms conflicts, but may at ST discretion if narratively appropriate, such as if a gunner is in melee/brawl with the defender.
Both the attacker and defender will use these pools (in the case of someone trying to solely defend, will use Dexterity + Athletics to dodge). Other factors can change combat (such as setting a static Difficulty for Ranged combat, rather than a dodge pool). By default, however, if someone is trying to not get hit and they're not immobilized or assumed to have no cover, they would use the Dex + Athletics pool. The conflict examples in the book are a bit bad, and Karim has said that some of the intent was lost; a full set of examples will be below showing how pools interact.
===Conflict Order of Operations===
* Immobilization: Characters who can't move, or chooses not to move, does not apply a defense pool. Instead, the attacker has a Static Difficulty. The book mentions both 1 and 2; the Static Difficulty should be 1 to be in line with the difficulties for similar things from powers such as Lightning Strike or the suggested difficulty of a Surprise Attack.
** Example 1: Yves' leg is caught under the remains of a fire escape, and an Inquisitor fires on him. Since he can't move, the Inquisitor rolls their Composure + Firearms pool at a Difficulty 1; if they roll at least 1 success, anything else becomes margin of damage.
==Optimal Conflict Order of Operations==
The conflict order of operations for Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition is pretty straightforward, based on the options presented on pages 124 and 125 of the core rule book, but there are often many questions such as when to use Disciplines, what happens with Initiative, and others that are unclear. After running V5 regularly since its release, the discussions with Karim Muammar about the unclear combat/conflict mechanics and studying the limits of other things from the book such as Discipline activations, we have determined what we are referring to as the Optimal Conflict Order. In practice, the below layout has held up in both tabletop and LARP conflicts using the core book mechanics.
For the purposes of this document, we are referring to each section of the order of operations mentioned above as a ''Combat Phase,'' with some expansions to account for things such as Discipline activations or determination of the necessity of combat. We refer to the whole as the ''Combat Turn''.
====The Combat Turn====
=====Phase 0: Precombat/Mediation=====
If combat can be avoided or simplified it should be. This determination should come from a couple of basic questions:
* Is there a risk to the PCs involved?
* Is this fight dramatically appropriate and/or necessary?
If the answer is NO or not really, then narrate and move on. For example, if 5 vampires roll up on 2 unprepared street thugs, then the combat should be narrated as the ass beating it is. If the combatants are equal in power but not intent on causing long term consequences, consider a roll off. (IE: a sparring match or 'friendly' brawl.)
If it is conflict between players, you can offer Mediation. Mediation combat simply is based on the players and Storyteller discussing the outcome of a conflict, with the appropriate changes being handled (damage, Stains gained, etc.) based on the logical outcome of the narrative. STs and players can use the Concessions section of Advanced Conflict, on pg. 295, as some useful guidelines for Mediation.
If no Mediation can be come to, Conflict continues as follows.
=====Phase 1: Declaration and Movement=====
Characters declare their basic actions and intents for the round.
Characters must declare their ACTION and TARGET or INTENT of that action.
The ACTION must be clear and concise:
> “I’m going to shoot my gun...”
> “I am activating Presence 1...”
> “I am going to claw...”
A player needs to state if they are moving as part of their ACTION.
> “While stepping back, I’m going to shoot my gun...”
> “I am standing here and activating Presence 1...”
> “I am running forward and going to claw...”
> "I am going to run to the end of the hallway and..."
The TARGET or INTENT clarifies what the player’s action is meant to do.
> “While stepping back, I’m going to shoot my gun at the red headed hunter.”
> “I am standing here and activating Presence 1 so maybe the hunters will like me too much to attack me.”
> “I am running forward and going to claw the burly hunter in the gut.”
> "I am running to the end of the hallway and opening the door to try to get out of the line of fire."
Any character that is attempting to harm another PC or SPC, must indicate that in their Declaration. This will help STs keep the targets straight for the Attacks/Defenses phase.
Character movement should be handled here, and any Minor Actions for extra movement should be accounted for.
Characters should also perform Minor Actions (such as drawing a weapon you didn’t have readied or reloading an empty gun), declarations of round-long effects (such as All-Out Defense or All-Out Attack), some activations that require Rouse Checks at this time (such as activating Disciplines that would last the whole round or Conflict, or to heal).
If you have questions about whether something should happen during this phase, ask a Storyteller..
=====Phase 2: Conflict=====
This phase is the ‘core’ of Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition combat, but should resolve fairly quickly assuming everyone is organized. All movement positioning is now complete, and most Minor Actions should be completed by this time. A few notes about conflict:
* Rouse Checks: Rouse Checks are performed when they are required by an action that uses Rouse Check. As a reminder, you may perform a Rouse Check once per turn per each thing that requires a Rouse Check. For example:
** A player may use a Rouse Check to Blood Heal at any point in Conflict, in any phase or part of the action order.
** A player may use a Rouse Check to Blood Surge an Attribute roll when they take the action (such as buffing Dexterity before using a Dexterity + Melee attack with a machete).
** A player may use a Rouse Check to activate a Discipline (as long as they haven’t already activated one during this turn of conflict), such as to use Dread Gaze or Corrosive Vitae.
* All ‘groupings’ of combatants using the same type of action act at the same time regardless of initiative.
** For example, if Hector is being targeted by James, Julio and Xavier with a brawl/melee attack, all four characters act at the same time.
* Groupings of combatants with differing ‘types’ of conflict (such as Kendall firing a gun from range at Michael, into Michael and Esteban’s newly-engaged claw duel) happen in the appropriate action order (so the gun would fire before those two engaged and began clawing at each other, and you would resolve Kendall's firearms pool against Michael's appropriate pool or Difficulty during the Ranged Combat phase, then deal with Michael and Esteban trying to tear each other apart during Newly-Engaged Physical Combat).
The following section breaks out the action order into easily-digestible chunks and explanations, but follows the same action order as detailed in the core book.
======'''Conflict A: Minor Actions'''======
Any remaining Minor Actions that haven’t been accounted for MUST BE handled here. Reloading a gun, drawing a weapon, sending a text message. All Minor Actions must be accounted for due to the penalties they levy against a Primary Action in the turn.
======'''Conflict B: Currently-Engaged Physical Conflict'''======
Any Physical (brawl or melee-based) conflict which was not able to be disengaged via movement occurs here. Characters must be within appropriate range of each other to use a Melee or Brawl attack.
* For example, Franklin and James kept pace with each other from last round and are knife-fighting. Their conflict would happen here.
* The groupings of combatants can be handled in descending initiative order if necessary.
* Any character using a Rouse Check for Blood Surge on their Attack or Defense action must declare and activate that prior to their dice roll, as Blood Surge applies to one (1) roll in a turn, not for the entire turn/scene.
* A character using a Ranged weapon that is engaged with someone in Melee/Brawl Combat (the Brawl/Melee user must be attacking the Ranged user and be within the required distance) must use the Ranged Weapons in Close Combat rule (Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition, pg. 302: the Ranged user rolls Str + Firearms, with a -2 penalty for guns bigger than a pistol).
======'''Conflict C: Ranged Conflict'''======
Any Ranged-only conflict happens here.
* For example, Stephanie starts shooting at Marie, who is not engaged by anyone. Or Balzac starts firing at Henri, who is fighting with swords with someone else.
* Movie style ‘gun fu’ shoot-outs happen here, per the Ranged vs. Ranged conflict rules. Storytellers will need to adjudicate particulars for Cover, lack of Cover, inability to dodge and other factors per the conflict rules on pg. 125, and the clarifications above.
* Any character using a Rouse Check for Blood Surge on their Ranged Attack or Defense action must declare and activate that prior to their dice roll, as Blood Surge applies to one (1) roll in a turn, not for the entire turn/scene.
* A character using a Ranged weapon that would become newly engaged with someone in Melee/Brawl Combat (the Brawl/Melee user must be attacking the Ranged user and be within the required distance) would be resolved here, and must use the Ranged Weapons in Close Combat rule (Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition, pg. 302: the Ranged user rolls Str + Firearms, with a -2 penalty for guns bigger than a pistol).
''Dodging in Ranged Combat'': It's generally assumed that a character will try to use any available cover (as detailed on pg. 125), allowing them to make a Dex + Athletics roll to dodge. If the character is not actively utilizing the cover to help them dodge, or there is no cover to speak of, use the dice modifiers on page 302.
* Example 1: Gerard is trying to shoot Stacie. Stacie is in an alley with a dumpster or two and some fire escapes, things that would obscure Gerard's visibility. The Storyteller can choose to award Stacie a bonus, such as a +1 which would be appropriate in this situation based on the chart.
* Example 2: Erik is trying to shoot at Xavier. Xavier is running down an empty street, and has no cover to speak of; Xavier's pool would take the -2 penalty due to no cover.
* Example 3: Yolanda is fleeing a hunter down an slender alley with no room for movement. The hunter only has to roll versus Difficulty 1 to hit her as she flees.
Otherwise, the Storyteller should adjudicate the Ranged combat particulars based on the narrative of the Ranged conflict.
======'''Conflict D: Newly-Engaged Physical Conflict'''======
Any new Physical (brawl/melee) conflict that will start after Movement happens here.
* For example, Tristan just rolled up on Vivianne (who was using a gun to snipe his friends) with a rapier. Their conflict would happen here.
* The groupings of combatants can be handled in descending Initiative order if necessary.
* Any character using a Rouse Check for Blood Surge on their Attack or Defense action must declare and activate that prior to their dice roll, as Blood Surge applies to one (1) roll in a turn, not for the entire turn/scene.
======'''Conflict E: Everything Else'''======
Any non-conflict dice pools and actions that need to be rolled are done here.
* For example, Genevieve is attempting to open a safe while her friends hold off the guards. This action would happen here.
* A character using a Rouse Check for Blood Surge on their other Action must activate that here, as Blood Surge applies to one (1) roll in a turn, not for the entire turn/scene.
From here, we wrap up and move back to the top of the queue and repeat until all conflict is done. This combat flow works for both the Three Turns and Out/Three, Two, Done shorter conflicts, as well as longer more engaged conflicts.
====Other Conflict Methods====
Storytellers may also opt to use any of the following rules based on the flow/necessity of the conflict:
* Three Turns and Out, ''Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition pg. 130'' / Three, Two, Done, ''pg. 295'' - This will likely be used for heavily lopsided conflicts or conflicts that a Storyteller may want to wrap up faster than others.
* One Roll, ''Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition, pg. 296''
==Putting it all together==

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