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18 bytes added, 16:48, 28 March 2019
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|type=Clan or Bloodline. Required for sortingto function properly.
|clanlogo=The filename, including extension, of what you've uploaded for the clan/bloodline. ClanLogo#.jpg is a good one.
|clanheader=The filename, including extension, of what you've uploaded for the clan/bloodline. ClanHeader#.jpg is a good one.
|nicknames=Nicknames. These should be separated with an extra hard return between each one.
|description=A little flavor description of the clan.
|parent=Optional, only use if a new Bloodline. A suspected or confirmed 'parent' clan of the bloodline (such as Tremere for Gargoyles).
|who=The primary fluff for the clan.
|archetype1name=An example archetype.