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Joined 17 October 2019

This user will be using this page for learning how to format. Mostly.


M. R. Singer

I am dead - for you have killed me
By naming my name you have taken me
By finding me you have found the song
And now no longer need the singer

I am dead now - for I am the song
And the singer will know no more peace
Until silence comes upon him and
Takes away the very thing you sought

You heard the song the singer sang
And sought the source
And thinking you had found it
You ceased your search

I am the singer, I am the song
I am the search, and now I am gone
The purpose was not in the source
Neither in the finding
Nor in the singing

It was in the listening
In the listening of your heart

It had nothing to do with me
Now let me be -

For I am dead

Curated Pages


Merits and Flaws



Setite Orthodoxy