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Animate the Inanimate

44 bytes added, 01:20, 21 January 2023
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|description= By rousing a spirit from its slumber the Blood Sorcerer animates an object and compels it to obey their command. The spirit (when all goes well) returns to slumber once the compulsion has been obeyed or after an hour, whichever occurs first.
|cost=1 Rouse
|dicepool= Unawakened Object: Manipulation + Blood Sorcery (Difficulty 2 + 1 per 3 meters across). Awakened Objects: The A difficulty eqaul to the Awakened Object's Inteligence + Resolve or a difficulty equal to the animating Blood Sorcerer's successes, whichever is greater.
|system= After spending vitae (1 Rouse worth) and achieving a successful activation test the Blood Sorcerer may command the object as if using Mesmerize. See Vampire the Masquerade Core Rulebook p. 256 The Object must be within the Cainite's line of sight and the sound of their voice. An object “hears” the command if a typical unimpaired non-supernatural mortal were able to do so when standing in the object’s location. If all conditions are met, the object animates and immediately acts upon the sorcerer’s orders to the best of its abilities. An object remains inanimate, however if the command includes any conditional directives such as, “if the man in blue appears hold him,” or ”When the Sun sets attack the first individual you see.” An object cannot take an action that would be impossible for something with its form. The object however does become more flexible – A chair will walk over to its master or slide under a table; a door may be compelled to open or a gun to fire or twist out of the wielder's grip. Unless there is a significant emotional tie or resonance to an individual, most objects are unable to recognize one individual from another. Blood Sorcerers should take care in crafting their commands to take into account these limitations. Animate the Inanimate automatically fails if used against a spirit that is not in possession of an object.

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